Saturday, August 22, 2009

International Male Model Eric Martsolf

International Male Model Eric Martsolf
I found this gorgeous picture from AZHUNKS.COM, Eric describes the birth of his professional career as “a choice he made in May of 1993.” The choice he refers to was whether to pursue his interests in the legal profession or the unstable world of entertainment. He graduated from Dickinson College in Carlisle Pennsylvania with a BA in political science with honors, emphasizing in mass media politics and constitutional law. His time away from his studies was spent performing in unlimited capacities - in rock bands, choirs, operas, musicals, barbershop quartets, to mention a few. Putting his academic career temporarily on hold, Eric ventured to NYC where he began a long stretch of musical, acting, modeling, and performance endeavors.
Aside from his role as Ethan Winthrop on NBC’s Passions, Eric is most widely known for his critically hailed comic portrayal of the Pharaoh in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, which he toured nationally with for four consecutive years. He consistently drew in acclaimed reviews from even the harshest of critics, calling him a “mix of Elvis and Stallone - a blend of charisma, muscular framework, and talent to be reckoned with.” Additionally, Eric has appeared in over 40 musicals and plays. Most recently he has starred in the new musical Knight Life (Sir Handsome Plotdevice/Dark Knight), and the new musical adaptation of Garry Marshall’s Happy Days (Count Malachi).
Eric describes himself as a “work hard-play hard kind of guy.” “Life is a series of choices between the heart and the mind,” he says. “When in doubt, go with your heart - it will rarely lie to you.” In whatever direction his promising career may go, it is certain that Eric’s fusion of persistence, ambition, and heart will make for one terrific ride.

International Male Model Eric Martsolf
International Male Model Eric Martsolf
International Male Model Eric Martsolf