Friday, June 19, 2009

BeautifulMag male model Fabio Santos

BeautifulMag male model Fabio Santos
BeautifulMag male model Fabio Santos
BeautifulMag male model Fabio Santos
BeautifulMag male model Fabio Santos
BeautifulMag male model Fabio Santos
WHO EVER SAID THAT DANCING IS NOT A SPORT. OR VICE VERSA, THAT SPORT CAN NOT BE AS ELEGANT AND BEAUTIFUL AS A DANCE? CAPOEIRA, THE BRAZILIAN MARTIAL ART, IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE BEST EXAMPLES THAT ONE THINGS DOESN’T HAVE TO EXCLUDE THE OTHER. The meaning of the word capoeira in tupi language is 'clareia,' which means so much as ‘clear of bush.’ It refers to an are in a forest that has been cleared of original bushes for planting purpose. After the harvest a grassy scrub land will spring up and this was originally the place where capoeira was practiced. However, an other explanation of the word is that it refers to the name of a creeping plant and it subtle movements, that link directly to the players of this currently very popular Brazilian sports. 24 Years old Fabio Santos has practiced sports for as long as he can remember, and that shows. Being a true Brazilian, he used to have a strong passion for football and martial arts, and over the years he has become an expert in capoeira. “In the beginning it was just another martial art,” he explains. “But with time it became part of me. Capoeira was the only place where I could forget about everything else, focus on the game, the rhythm and the art. Capoeira has taught me a lot of things.” Fabio now teaches the art of capoeira and he does this world wide. To do so he has changed homebase and now lives in the UK. It is there that he first met photographer Simon Barnes, What is there to say about Simon ‘Hotsnapz’ Barnes that we did not already say in the numerous articles we published about this so talented photographer from the United Kingdom. Simon has his roots in the world of TV and movies, which might explain why he has such a theatrical approach in his photographic work. He likes to create his images with his models instead of preplanning the scenes and fitting the people in. the result is the his work always shows a unity of humanity and the mise-en-scene.