Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Asian male model sexy Hongkong guy Stephen Fung Tak Lun

Asian male model sexy Hongkong guy Stephen Fung Tak Lun
Asian male model sexy Hongkong guy Stephen Fung Tak Lun
Asian male model sexy Hongkong guy Stephen Fung Tak Lun
Asian male model sexy Hongkong guy Stephen Fung Tak Lun
Asian male model sexy Hongkong guy Stephen Fung Tak Lun
Asian male model sexy Hongkong guy Stephen Fung Tak Lun
Asian male model sexy Hongkong guy Stephen Fung Tak Lun

Name: Stephen Fung Tak Lun
Chinese Name: Fung Tak Lun
Occupations: Actor, Writer, Director
Country: Hong Kong
Date of Birth: August 9th, 1974
Education: University of Michigan
Family History: Mother, Father, 2 Older Brothers
First Professional Role: Forbidden Nights (tv-movie from 1990)
Height: 5′ 9

Languages: Fluent in Cantonese & English, Speaks some Madarin & German
Interests: Music, Guitar, Basketball
Blessed with good looks and talent, you could say Stephen Fung was born with acting in his blood because his mother, Sek Yin, was a Shaw Brothers actress from the 1970’s. After getting his degree from the University of Michigan for graphic design, Stephen returned to Hong Kong to launch his career as an entertainer. His first taste of stardom was due to his band Dry, which he formed with Mark Lui. After Dry broke up, Stephen pursued acting. Gen-X-Cops was his first successful hit and it paved the way for his career. Aside from acting, Stephen Fung also sings, composes music, plays guitar, produces tracks, and directs.