Jonathan Waud is one of the model contestants on Bravo’s reality competition series, “Make Me a Supermodel 2.” A dedicated family man, Jonathan Waud endures a hectic schedule, balancing work while still making quality time to share with his wife and son. Despite his demanding schedule, Jonathan Waud somehow manages to keep modeling top priority. Jonathan has lived in Los Angeles for three years, but was born and raised in Southampton, England. A graduate of the University of the West of England in Bristol, Jonathan Waud earned a degree in French and International Business and went on to open his own construction company. Jonathan Waud is represented by L.A. Models, as well as Front Management in Miami. One of Jonathan Waud’s passions is travel. Jonathan loves immersing himself in new places and cultures. In addition to the UK and L.A., Jonathan Waud has lived in the South of France and Monaco. His other interests include cars, surfing, riding his BMX bike, and spending time with his precious son. Charming and full of life, Jonathan Waud claims to have the perseverance to take on anyone in the competition.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Make Me a Supermodel Muscle Male Model Jonathan Waud
Labels: American male model, Hot Male Models, international male model, male fitness model, Male Supermodel, muscle male model, sexiest male models, top male models
Posted by deeancox at 6:51 PM